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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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  /    /  Online Coaching  /  WORKOUT + NUTRITION – 1 Month



We work with private Assessment by email, after we check your Assessment you will receive a personalized program, adapted to your needs and goals, with exercise routines that variety every week to transform your body and achieve the best results in the shortest possible time.

My programs will not boring to you, we will make variety of exercises and technique, so with that you will always motivated.


We work with private Assessment by email, after we check your Assessment you will receive a personalized program, adapted to your needs and goals, with exercise routines that variety every week to transform your body and achieve the best results in the shortest possible time.

My programs will not boring to you, we will make variety of exercises and technique, so with that you will always motivated.

You can choose training routines in the gym or at home, with the series and repetitions adapted to your goal.

What is included?

Each exercise includes an explanatory video to ensure that you learn to train and execute each exercise with the best possible technique, thus avoiding any injury.

Meal plans will be prepared with the food that you choose in the Assessment, since that i just want that you enjoy your journey regarding your goals and keep this lifestyle sustainable.

You can Check my YouTube channel or my Instagram stories for examples, I post everyday same example of Health Food.

I will give you 4 week of variety within the plan so that you can change them every day or just choose a day to follow ,I personally prefer this method, you just need keep your Daily Macros…the consistency is the KEY.

Every week we will have a RE-ASSESSMENT, so with this we can always adapt your Workout and Nutrition Plan, like this we will make this process as pleasant and easy as possible!

What is included?

1 Week Free

  • Planning Workout + Nutrition
  • Weekly Assessment Nutrition + Workout
  • Monthly Big Reassessment
  • Support by Email, WhatsApp and ZOOM
  • Support with Platform with videos from YouTube
  • $23,75 / Week – Billed only $95


With my proven method you will transform your life and build the body you have always dreamed of!
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