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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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ABS & Core Class

  /  ABS & Core Class

ABS & Core Class


Do you want to keep your abs set? We have the perfect exercises for that!

Why is core training important?

Science-backed integrated core training boosts abdominal strength, tightens your tummy and butt, and prevents injuries. Plus, it’s perfect for improving functional strength and posture.

Experience the transformation firsthand. Join our class now and unleash your full potential!

5 Videos with Diferent Workouts

Improve Posture

Tone Abs, Butt & Legs

Workout At Home or on the GYM

More Balance

Open, beginners and advanced levels both welcome

$29Add to cart

Discover the Power of Core Training!

Unlock the secrets to whole-body health with our ABS & Core Class. Strengthening your core isn’t just about getting a six-pack – it’s about enhancing stability, balance, agility, posture, and overall strength.

Our science-backed approach targets not only your abdominal muscles but also the intricate sling muscles that connect your upper and lower body. By integrating core training into your routine, you’ll experience:

  • Increased abdominal strength
  • Tightened tummy and butt
  • Improved functional strength
  • Enhanced injury prevention

Don’t just settle for an average workout. Invest in yourself and experience the transformative benefits of core training today!

Check the video!